Hamradio projects and information
- Hardware
- SuperVozelj AX.25 node
- Eprom Programmer
- Half-duplex voice repeater controller
- TNC, modems, PSK 23cm radio, Short Backfire Antenna, ....
- Magnetic Loop Antenna 160-80m
- 10GHz - 2Mb/Sec - Data Link
- 1 KW Solid State HF Linear Amplifier (Zip File)
- 23cm => 2m sat converter
- Software
- UIDIGI aprs firmware for TNC2
- DPAccess: cgi scripts to access DPbox bbs
- SuperVozelj node firmware
- Hamradio information
- Installing FlexNet driver for Win95/98 [ITALIANO]
- Installing AGWPE driver for Windows [ITALIANO]
- Using IRC servers in hamradio environment [ITALIANO]
- Various hamradio information
- HTML manual build by I3ZDN [ITALIANO]
- HTML4.0 online manual [ITALIANO]
- Improve HTML with stylesheets (CSS2) [ENGLISH]
- PHP4 Manual online
[Download ZIP file: 2.1Mb]
- Radio modifications
- alinco
- icom
- kenwood
- standard
- yaesu
- rtxvari
- Other radio modifications can be found at www.mods.dk
- Other ham stuff...
- Local software/information archive