Links to the World-Wide Web
- Seek Engines
- Google Seek Engine
- RPM packages Seek Engine
- Hamfind - Hamradio Seek Engine
- Hamrad - Hamradio Seek Engine
- Hamradio servers
- Radiogiornale di I0PMW
- ir9aci: hamradio gateway in Sicily [Catania]
- CQ-IS0: many information from Sardinia [Cagliari]
- IW0DER: APRS gateway and java interface
- [Mestre - Italy]
- Associazione Radioamatori Italiani - Sezione di Bergamo
- Sezione ARI di Moncalieri(TO)
- ARI: Hamradio Association in Italy
- CISAR: Hamradio Association in Italy
- Ljubiana hamradio service: SuperVozelj, dmascc, radio, etc.
- Le Locle (CH) packet radio gateway
- Croatia hamradio service
- Website about APRS with Java map
- APRS database access
- APRSPoint Windows program
- US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
- G4IDE's Home of Packet Radio Software
- G7OCW UI-View source
- North Carolina APRS and Satellite Website
- Finland Linux developing [Finland]
- 425DxNews [Bologna]
- ARRL: Amateur Radio Association
- Tucson Amateur Packet Radio
- Flexnet AX.25 node
- SV2AGW Homepage (AGWPE)
- hamradio homepages and docs
- hamradio website
- Contesting
- CQ world-wide contest group
- DX-Zone: interesting programs
- German Satellite Centre
- CelesTrak: keplerians, software, information on SATs
- NOAA Satellite Active Archive
- AMSAT Italia
- AMSAT Deutchland
- AMSAT England
- AMSAT world-wide
- Nasa orbital tracker
- Yaesu hamradio products
- Marcucci shop
- Software products
- SecurityFocus: Security information about Unix/Windows OS
- Linux programming and discussions [ITALIANO]
- Linux documentation
- SourceForge: important Open Source Development Network
- Hardware projects
- Slovenian amateur projects
- Electronic components distributors
- Radio Kalika [Trieste]
- RS Components [Milano]
- Distrelec [Milano]