SuperVozelj sources and configuration utilities

Assembler for 68K microprocessors [85Kb]
Powerful DOS image viewer for BIN images downloaded from SuperVozelj [45Kb]
SV image viewer and converter (to BMP) by IW3FQG ARJ Un/Compress utility [352Kb]

Giampaolo, IW2LSI, has created two utilities to easely configure SuperVozelj info texts, routing tables, and so on...These utilities are available for
TNT program under Linux
DOS/Windows terminal programs using TFPCX/TFKISS driver. Other information and utilities are available in the SuperVozelj forum

Software version 83f released on December 27th, 2002!!
The only changes in this versions regards the new telemetric board support and improved CCD timings: this way you can achieve better power supply management, turning off CCD card and cameras, 2 CCD cameras supporting (downloading photos from each camera alternatively, 11 analog input channel with 10bit resolution and 6 open-collector outputs.
You can find examples of telemetric statistics as like as examples of photos downloaded automatically from the SuperVozelj nodes.
Here you can find the description of telemetric board.
An archive within MidiSuperVozelj source, bin, configurer program, and source/hex file of telemetric board microcontroller is available here:
sv83f.arj [127k]

Software version 83e released on October 3, 2k!!
Pre-Release which must be debugged!
  1. Fixed % bug : node will restart typing the % command when there are not many buffer available. Thanks to IW3SKW for the bug report.
  2. Virtual digi timings changed according with S53MV 84 software: now the node, after receiving a frame, will wait for T2 before sending it: in this case we hope to don't fragment a packet in all frames.
    This feature speed up the IP transport.
  3. Improved dynamically variable response time with channel activity:
    (PERCENTAGE_DCD / 8 + 2) * T2 / 4
  4. Some minor changes....
ASM source V83e for SuperVozelj [68Kb]
ASM source V83e for MidiSuperVozelj [68Kb]
BIN sources + svcfg configuration utility for Midi/SuperVozelj [139Kb]

Software version 83d released on 9/9/1999 !!
Main modifications are:
  1. Different MTU implementation (256/512/1024 bytes) for IP transport
  2. A bug fixed in autorouting protocol
ASM source V83d for SuperVozelj [74Kb]
ASM source V83d for MidiSuperVozelj [74Kb]
BIN sources + svcfg configuration utility for Midi/SuperVozelj [139Kb]

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